Friday, March 14, 2014

Almost teacher-less discussion

Today in class we:
Participated in an Almost teacher-less discussion
We had an awesome level of participation
I am going to copy the notes that I took during class so you can review them if you would like.

Also below if the structure for our discussion:
                                                     Almost Teacher-less discussion
50 possible points:
Everyone starts with 30 points

The ideal participation in this discussion will be to contribute your own ideas to the conversation, but also read and respond to the ideas of your classmates. It is less important to give a perfect answer to the question, than to help the class build a collective answer to the posed questions. To achieve a high score in this assessment, you should help your classmates build their ideas by contributing evidence from the text to support their thoughts or to respectfully disagree, in turn, holding them to their best and challenging your classmates to really think about the answers they give. ALSO BE SURE TO CONNECT TO THE TEXT. GET EVIDENCE FORM THE READING THAT SUPPORTS YOUR IDEA.
You can receive points by:
Making a comment that relates to the question (5)
Referring to the reading in a productive way (5)
Building on someone else’s ideas (5)
Building on someone else’s ideas and referring to the reading (10)
Asking a question of you classmates (5)
Asking a question that spurs a discussion (10)

You can lose points by:
Monopolizing conversation (-5)
Interrupting someone (-5)
Putting someone else’s ideas down in a disrespectful way (-5)

v  You will definitely get points if you use one of these sentence starters.
 Expressing Ideas 
  • In my opinion,__________. I think that_______.
  • My idea is that _________.
  • It seems to me that ________. 
  • I agree with ____ that _______.
  • My idea is similar to ______’s. I also think that _______.
  • My idea builds on _______’s idea. I’d like to add ________.
  • My idea is different from _______’s idea. I think that______.
  • I don’t completely agree with_______. In my opinion,_______.
  • I have a different perspective from _________. I believe_______.
  • I understand your views, but I disagree because________.


  1. Is being overweight usually a result of psychological problems? (1st three paragraphs on page 485)
JT-No, it is a theory?
DB- not –set point theory-which is when your body weight is determined by your DNA
TM- No, b/c the lack of control groups and objective measurement of the EXPERIMENT
TC-disagree abou the DNA
AC-Parents don’t lead to your weight
MN-Due to large quantities of is the real reason people are overweight (greasy food) not psych nritionally based
FP-its not fast food its home food and LIFESTYLE
AC-FF and greasy food can be home made food
RHONE- can Fast food be part of an unhealthy lifestyle
CH-largepeople get that way bcasue of their food portions and skinny people
CJ-Metabolsm-fast versus low
TC-No, researcher says that overwieight people aren’t more likely to have psychological problems.
AC-depression and obesity links-NEGATIVE CYCLE
TC- averages are the same
CH- Depression has many factors
  1. What theory explains why it’s so hard for heavy people to lose weight, and just as hard for thin people to gain it? (1st three paragraphs on page 485)
CT- biological mechanisk of SET POINT THEORY
DB-SPT- is the exact point at which your body weight is set to- if you go more ten 10% way from that number
CT-Genetically influenced weight range for an individual
CJ- TXT-150 pound set point  BETWEEN 135-165
Ch- SET POINT IS NOT NECESSARILY A HEALTHY WEIGHT txt your set point will bring your fat levels DOWN
SB-when your overweight is that BMI
JT- How is your set point determined
AC- you can be healthy and fat
TC- little people big world- DNA- dominante and ressesive
DB- with genes sometimes it doesn’t make any sense 

  1. Why are people all over the world getting fatter?(486 “culture, psychology, and weight 1st 2 paragraphs)
SB-1-Healthy foodcosting more 2-personal choice
MN-lack of exercise- TECHNOLOGY
FP- it is convenient to be lazy
AC-Life decisions
DB-Agree with TC- organic chicken fried is still unhealthy-
CT-do your personal habits affect your personal choices?
SB-taste preference- I love pizza and don’t like celery
DB-junk food is addictive
EO  -5
JR -5
TC-lifestyle MAURY kids
AC- developmental fat
SB-technology order online the remote capstone class- we don’t have to chase food
SE -5
CT- agree with SB- snacking while watching TV
TC- environment- FOOD DESERT
  1. Why are so many competent professional women determined to be very thin?(Cultural attitudes- last paragraph on page 487-488)
FP-because they think being thin mans your healthy
DB-TXT-pro women want to be thin so people don’t think they are soft or unintelligent
AC  -5
CT-women stay fit by going to the gym
CH- to reflect on their cultural ambivalence
KS-they are thin for the attention of men
KS- most men and the culture says thin women are desirable
CH -5
DB- WW2 thick women are desirable 
CT-some short basketball player-
CJ- football too big does not mean that he is god
SB- underestimating a team can be dangerous
FP-stereotypes sometimes are true

  1. Why is doing your best an ineffective goal to set for yourself?(491-492 the importance of goals)
FP-baby talk
AC-you can do better th your best
TC- It is effective.
Sb-people underestimate themselves-
CT-people have a hard time putting in the work
MN lack of motivation
CT-it’s like not having any goals BE SPECIFIC
DB_A REAL GOAL- I want to own my own restaurant  
AC- a career not a job
KS-short term steps in your goals
CH-it interferes with mastery skills
JT- sports when you get too specific it could compromise your overall performance
SB- sometimes coaches don’t use favoritism
AC -5 yelling

  1. When you are learning a new skill, which should you concentrate on; mastering it or performing it well in front of others?(492Motivating children-1st 2 paragraphs and last paragraph)
CJ- mastery b/c your motivation shouldn’t be about what others think
KS- then you won’t have anyone to tell what to do better
MN- agree
CT- K is saying you need constructive criticism
TC- it depends
JT- you should focus on performing well
SB-when people master a skill solo, they can’t perform
CT- performance anxiety is real
AC-master something in your own way
EO -5 

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